Saturday, October 13, 2018

"Well, The Important Thing Is, My Face Is Melting!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because sweeping up.

It's tough not to get the impression that Muir's fondness for Trump has moved from believing he's the miracle man who will solve things for ever and ever, to saying he believes that.  Not that Muir would ever acknowledge that, or even consciously realize it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My nightmare future scenario is that when order has collapsed, the government is in complete chaos, the police are compromised, and armed terrorists led by Kurt Schlichter are shooting people dead in the streets, Muir will be depicting his version of Trump stalwartly and courageously leading the Real American resistance.....from inside the prison where the real-life Trump is residing.

  3. I take comfort from the fact that these people's tend to be fonder of the idea of violent upheaval than the reality.

    So in my version of that scenario, Muir writes up a week or two of strips about the AWESOME REAL RESISTANCE, and then the whole thing goes off like a damp squib, he has to deal with the men who he praised as stalwart heroes not only going to jail, but turning into a bunch of whiny twits who all rat on each other.

  4. Which is exactly what already happened in the aftermath of Charlottesville, essentially.

    Muir has a consistent propensity for jumping the gun, and he never backtracks in any meaningful way that I can think of. (I can't remember for sure but I seem to recall he more or less depicted Hussein's WMDs concretely having been found as bland matter-of-fact. And that was BEFORE he lost his mind.)

    Most of these people are indeed all talk, but I fear there are enough of them prepared to put their ammo where their mouth is. Look at Dave Neiwert's long Twitter thread from today. His analysis is pretty spot on.
