Sunday, January 2, 2011

"Only White Reactionaries Know What's Right! And All Those Inferior Untermenschen Should Just Shut Up About Being Treated Like Shit!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because banana pie!

Ahh, Muir, you entitled, worthless faux-patriot. Will you ever hit bottom, or will there always be a newer, creepier low to sink to?


  1. Incredible. No joke in this comic, no context, no setup, not even a real punchline - just one big grievance dump. It's like Muir thought: "Wait a sec, it's been how long since I wrote about politics?" and decided to make a list of all the people who pissed him off last year, complete with typos (Sherrie Sherrod?) and things that are way out of date (Journolist? You're still on about that?). Throw in some gratuitous nudity, and you've got yourself a winner.

    I also love that he threw in Pat Robertson, as if to say "See? I'm not a partisan hack!" Yes you are, Muir. No one bought that tactic when Bernie Goldberg did it, and no one's buying it from you. Just be who you are.

  2. Yep. One of the things you pick up about Muir after following him for a while--every now and then, he just loses it, and you get something like this.
