Tuesday, December 4, 2012

"Us Smug White Guys Have Always Been A Persecuted Few."

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Bernardo Tasso, Torquato Tasso's less crazy father.

Here's the world's smallest violin, playing for right-wing idiots like Muir, suffering from the great indignity of not automatically winning.


  1. So you remember back during the Bush years, when Tom Tomorrow did a cartoon making fun of the "warblogging" trend? He had a blogger talking about his contribution to the war effort, his "wounds" and all that? A bunch of conservatives misinterpreted it (willfully or innocently - you make the call) as an attack on actual soldiers and threw a little fit.

    Well, Chris Muir has not only outdone that parody by comparing conservative activists to soldiers, but I would argue that he's also done exactly what Tomorrow was falsely accused of doing. For two consecutive days, no less.

    What a prick.

  2. This is pretty much standard for Muir, a chickenhawk par excellence. (But wait! Lest I forget! He did go to the Iraq as an embedded journalist. For five days!) Hell, let's remember that Zed is something of a self-insert. And he's a government sniper.
