Tuesday, February 20, 2018

And PG Wodehouse Turns In His Grave.

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because o, Rock of Ages, do not crumble.

Of course, if Muir actually read the books, he'd know that Jeeves is the smart unflappable one working for an airhead.  But then, that'd involve actually being interested in the culture he pretends to champion.


  1. I'm not sure how long this horrific-looking mechanical monster has been a casual member of the cast, but I have to wonder if there's a functional reason Muir draws him to look like he'd chew your infant child's head off and smile at you while doing so. Is it supposed to be a "Beauty and the Beast" type of thing? Appearances are deceptive and all that? Or does Javier, being a kid, just think ferocious-looking things are awesome?

    Or am I looking for too much nuance in the product of a deeply disturbed and paranoid psyche?

  2. He's modeled after the Terminators from the movies of the same name.

  3. Should have known. I only saw the first movie once, and never saw the second. (I know, I know----it's a blind spot.)

  4. It's a pretty random choice for a character, after all.
