Sunday, December 29, 2019

"You Need To Be More Racist, Mr. President!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because stinkbugs.


This is the song of a man who hates this country, but thinks he loves it, who is an avid coward, but thinks he is brave, who is an easily manipulated fool, who thinks he is cagy and wise.

Said by his pretend wife, who is a minority member when she needs to be.


  1. Just don't call them 'racist'.

    "The Demoncrats call us 'racist' because they know they American people have caught on to their intentions."

    "Predictably they'll call us 'racists' because to them everything is about race."

    As you put it earlier, this was the year that the last tattered shreds of the mask crumbled away. Muir has fully embraced racialized nationalism and is willing to stand by that as the defining core of true conservatism.

    While many were too blind to see it, it was inevitable that this is where American conservatism would go.

    1. It's been a thread of this strip from the start--it's just gotten more blatant, and more maximalist as it goes along.
