Friday, January 15, 2021

Man Declares Fellow Citizens Vermin, Then Spreads Plague.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Funky Kingstom.

I'll give Muir this--Trump's term did reveal a lot of human filth in this country. The problem of course is that what was revealed was the Muirs of this nation. Racists who scream that any attempt to force them not to act like white supremacists is racism. Fascists who claim that democracy is tyranny and authoritarianism is democracy. Scum who claim good men are criminals and an unrepentant sociopath is a righteous man. 

And Muir's fairly far gone--where others of his ilk are calling the Capitol putschists 'antifa', Muir sees them as good folk and the storming as a good thing. While he hasn't gone full QAnon, he seems to think that Trump can do something now, when in fact all he can do legally is pack his bags and go. In essence, Mr. "I Revere the Constitution" doesn't understand what the Constitution says.

Surprise, surprise.


  1. I continue to be amazed at the long, long road Muir has traveled since 2002 to arrive where he's arrived at.

    And along with him, almost the entire Republican electorate. God help us.

    1. Do not give these people more power than they have. Muir is the crazy fringe of the crazy fringe.
