Monday, February 27, 2023

Ha Ha! He Is Not Like Us, And Thus Weak, And Inferior.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because astronomy.

As usual these days, Muir's caricatures of Democrats fail at even being cruel. There's no insight here, just a bad faith imagining of generic negative traits that only underlines Muir's present intellectual incoherence. He can't bother to make an actual argument, so obviously, nobody really does.


  1. Also, his writing continues to degrade into incoherent, confusing babble. Scary to think what it might be like a few years from now.

    1. I can tell you right now. Incoherence aside, within a few years Muir will have officially crossed into open, unambiguous endorsement of violent sedition. No more hemming and hawing, no more fake-outs. Full blown bloodlust.

    2. It feels like he's almost there....

    3. You hit the nail on the head here. In the early years, Muir at least presented arguments. They were bad, shallow arguments, but they were arguments. But he gradually shifted to simply making assertions, and presently, those assertions became the word salad he now issues.

  2. As is increasingly the case these days, I have no fucking idea what he's talking about. "Color ideology"? What? What is that even a reference to?

    1. The peanut gallery, however, thinks this is extremely witty.

    2. I assume that 'blue' represents the Democratic Party and 'green' represents ecological concerns, but honestly, it's a nonsense question.
