Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Prefixes Are The Signs Of Feminine Weakness!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the five red herrings.

As we sit staring at all that misogyny, we find ourselves asking if Muir knows that the words he's talking about have actual meanings?

We know he just doesn't get grammar. Look at that period in place of a question mark at the end. Oof.


  1. I mean, there isn't even any attempt at a joke here. It's just raw unfiltered ranting straight from the author's mind.

    Muir isn't quite at Nick Fuentes levels of cartoonishly over the top hyper-misogyny on steroids, but he's getting closer and closer to that, and strips like this are why.

    Much as with Mia here, Muir expects his female readers to be doormats who nod along and accept this swill. Which they basically do. I'll never understand it.

    1. As I've noted, Muir is clearly regurgitating bullshit he's read elsewhere, albeit frequently jumbled together and with his own spin put on it. There's never really any original thought in Muir's politics, just a lot of derivative thought going in startling ways.

    2. The joke is that she "feels" there's an oversimplication. Hahaha.

      But yeah, Muir's women are a lot like Damon and other characters of color (to the degree those even show up in the strip)--they're either regurgitating the thoughts of the white cartoonist, or listening in quiet rapture as they get "educated" by the right-wing cast members about what they should think. I cannot imagine getting lectured by a man about how inferior I am, the way Mia has been, and still wanting to be in the same room with him, much less doing anything romantic with the guy. I guess that is the REAL joke here....

    3. Right? I don't know which grosses me out more --- imagining sitting there and taking that lecture, or imagining being the one giving it. Maybe the latter -- it really just makes me feel unclean.

    4. It is a phenomenally uncomfortable rant, made worse by the way Muir paints it as something that gets a girl hot and bothered, willing to submit to his latest redneck author avatar.

  2. And for real, it really is remarkable the way this lunatic is able to attribute literally everything he hates to "feminization".

    If Muir doesn't like it, it's the work of women. (Or feminized men. Especially ones like James Comey who gyrate on street corners wearing pink thongs.)

    Whatever it is, whatever it happens to be, if he doesn't like it then it's the wimmenz fault.

    This is not a healthy brain at work here.
