Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Everything Is Always An Excuse To Be A Bigoted Shithead.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Kikaider 01.

Muir's been producing these stock Black Women Government Employees, and putting these nonsensical declarations in their mouths for years now, and the reason is pathetically obvious. If he doesn't, he might have to realize that he's the anxious little coward with issues on race and women. So, no, no, everything is bad because white guys aren't doing it. Because it can't be him. Nope.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

As Usual, I Am Cursed With Incredible Foresight.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Android Kikaider.

Muir in his constant belief that the status of others can only be improved by diminishing his makes himself smaller than cockroach. And about as appealing.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Diversity Programs. The Cause Of All The World's Wrongs.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Superman Barom-1.

So, is FEMA an evil arm of the oppressive state that must be resisted, or something decent that's been rendered ineffective by the evil of trying to hire minorities?

Oh, silly me. Both at once, depending on Muir's mood and what he wants to rant about at any given moment.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

"Hot Bananas, Sis! It Sure Is Super Peachy Extra-Keen We're In A State Of Undeclared War With The State!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Giant Robo.

I swear, them describing this ridiculous nonsense and paranoid drivel like a couple of 1930s film moppets, despite being in-universe a pair of 20 year olds, one of whom is a mother, adds to both the horror, and the dark, unintended comedy that exists in place of the hideous intended humor.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

"Gee Gollikins, Sis, I'se So Happy We Real Muricans Who Talk Like Refugees From An 'Our Gang' Short!"

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Captain Ultra.

Not only is he still talking about the same subject he's using the same joke.

This is usually a bad sign, because it hints the next comic will be extra crazy.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Classy As Ever.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Masked Ninja Red Shadow.

It says something that Muir has likely forgotten he's used a variation on this misogynistic quip about Hillary many times before.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

People Who Don't Vote The Way I Like Are Nazis!, Says Nazi.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Golden Bat.


It's the way that Muir gets self-righteous about his own moral bankruptcy that gets you. This is a pathetic, evil whiny manbaby who thinks he's demonstrating what a tough manly man he is.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

The Grotesque And Gleeful Nihilistic Cynicism Of This Awful Fictional Universe.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because National Kid.

As we see Muir continue his distorted vision of the recovery efforts from Helene, what strikes you is how amused Muir is by it all. He takes joy in the thought of the government failing, because he is incapable of imagining it succeeding. There is no true morality in Muir's vision, just as there is no true patriotism or humanism. Muir all but gloats at this because his default setting is bad faith.

The fascinating thing is how the failures Muir is basing this on undermine so much of what he claims is the truth. His FEMA thugs stopping rescue pilots are based on a single local air marshal exceeding his authority, and getting quietly swatted down by the Feds--in essence a mirror image of Muir's world where the local authorities are the source of all that is good. But he'd have to look to see that. So he won't look.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Right On Cue.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Seven Color Mask.

And we're back to Muir fantasizing about shooting the evil treacherous gubmint goons. This is what Muir imagines being a helper to be.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Cracks In The Wall, To Be Swiftly Patched.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Planet Prince.

As much of a measured relief it is to see Muir admit to an error, even if it's in a snarky half-assed way that reinforces his 'fug the gubmint' stance, the fact remains is, we've seen this before. It doesn't happen often, but Muir does admit to certain egregious errors--in a way that lets him do so quickly while reinforcing his general outlook and acting as if this an extreme outlier instead of something he does all the time. Because this really isn't about admitting he was wrong--it's about moving on as quickly as possible so that he can say to himself that he's fine and he doesn't need to change.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Worldview Constructed From Crazy And Online Bullshit.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Moonlight Mask.

Muir believes the people who tell him what he wants to hear. And what he wants to hear is that horrible things are happening because people have turned their backs on racist, isolationist politics.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Clearly, The (((International Bankers))) Want To Destroy Our Pure Blood!

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Tesuwan Tantai Robotack.

You know, I think I covered most of the general subject pretty well yesterday, even if Muir has taken a more... openly Nazi-take on the subject, fueled by internet stories that are then distorted and magnified by his fevered fascistic consciousness.

So instead I'll point out that Muir doesn't seem to realize that as Secretary of State, the hurricane recovery isn't Blinken's job. Foreign relations are. Muir is mad at him because he doesn't understand what the man's job is.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Always Find A New, More Pathetic Low.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because B-Fighter Kabutack.

This shouldn't be a surprise. Muir will repeat idiotic lies he hears, and repeat them in ways that reveal the moral nullity at their center and think he's doing bang up work. Insisting the gubmint isn't helping the Red States hit by Helene (newsflash, it is) and using it to bash aid to Ukraine in his new paleocon isolationist mode? Par for the course.

But what is interesting is that Muir used to put arguments like these in the mouth of Factory Setting Feckless Liberal Jan, straw arguments to be set against the glorious neocon dream of blowing Arab states up and then building them back better. How could we dare rebuild other nations when we had problems over here?, she'd say. Again, a straw argument to show that she simply lacked faith in the glories of our nation. Except now Muir just repeats it outright. Of course, it makes sense. For Muir, the rebuilding was always secondary to showing the Other who was boss, and when it proved hard, he gave up on it, and decided we should have just killed people. And like most of his ilk, that over-exaggerated faith in the country was thin cover over his despising everything in it that wasn't like him, so that as soon as it turned out he and his couldn't hold power forever and without limit, he shifted to screaming the nation was ruined and he hasn't stopped.

As I note over and over again, he becomes more and more what he always really was.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

"It'll Be An *Ironic* Genocide! The Wink Is Implied!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because B-Fighter Kabuto.

And you just know that in the near future--probably the nearer future than you'd first imagine--Muir will be explaining how the Left are all Nazis. Once again, the projection is total, right down to the projection.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Mia's Is One Of Them Now. She's Developed Howler Monkey Face.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Juukou B-Fighter.

And here we see the fascism that lurks under the thin wrapping of Muir's libertarian rhetoric. He says, and likely imagines, that he wants a world of freedom--but what he really wants is for him and his to have the license to do as they please and enforce their will on those they don't agree with. So a world of freedom for brittle redneck reactionaries. Authoritarianism for everyone else.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Muir Thinks He Knows What He's Talking About.

  It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Blue SWAT.

He's been saying nonsense stuff like this for years, idiotic displays of not only his own ignorance but of his own immensely swollen ego.