Friday, September 27, 2024

It Is Fascist Tyranny To Oppose Our Fascist Tyranny!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Special Rescue Police Winspector.

"They do not understand, Mari, that equality produce slavery! That trying to protect the less fortunate only makes them weak, and indolent! They are supposed to be under the bootheels of their betters, Mari! It's the natural order! And this is all in the Constitution, which is sacred and can never be altered! Don't read it, daughter, without my help. It has to be read the right way, you see. Otherwise, you wind up like these elitists, acting as if it is a roadmap for government that sometimes has to change! Nonsense and poppycock that shows how they despise our sacred birthright! It is clear--crystal clear--that the Founding Fathers intended for states--and by states, we mean counties--to be the highest level of authority! Yes, everything is obvious, and it all means that all power should go to us, the rural whites, who are naturally superior and the natural rulers."

"Gee whiz, Dad, that has to be right, because yer sayin' it, and I don't have no capacity for indy-pendent thought!"

"As it should be, Mari. All hail the hivemind."


  1. Yep. Pretty much.

    "And by states we mean counties." 🤣🤣🤣

    1. Your reminder that that's what the man said. On numerous occasions. Muir's gone deep into the Posse Comitatus weeds these days.
