Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How Dare They Freeze Funds Of A Fascist Nation Waging A War Of Aggression!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because hyperreality.

It's genuinely pathetic how completely Muir has fallen under the sway of Russian interests in less than two years. And it's as much from his crackpot contrarianism and blind faith in his fellow Right Wingers as it is his deep-rooted Fascist sympathies.


  1. Few strips epitomize what a deluded fanatic Muir has become better than this one, despite its relative simplicity. He presents two wild, completely made-up assertions (even calling them that feels like it grants them too much legitimacy) as fact, and the entire premise of the daily manufactured outrage is that those things are true and you should be outraged about them.
    For Muir and his ilk, that US support for Ukraine is a money-laundering scheme (how is that even supposed to work, exactly?) is as much a given as it is that grass is green. There exists no evidence for this outside of feverish, hysterical right-wingers declaring it so.
    And of course, Joe Biden (who apparently Muir has gone back to deciding is a marionette and not a real human after all) has to be personally pocketing some kickback percentage, because "the big guy" is the head of "the Biden Crime Family" (a phrase I can only hear in Rudy Giuliani's skin-crawling, manic, and increasingly panicky lisp).

    1. It's not merely that he's a deluded fanatic--that goes back year--but what a pliable one he's become.
