Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Muir Gets To Determine Who The Real Americans Are.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Uncle Einar.

I just love this jingoist bluster AS they pal around with foreign dictators, and run a separatist movement.

For a single county.

Oh, yeah, and once again, Muir's a former upstate New Yorker.


  1. Every time I remember that he comes from my state, it's a jolt. Anybody reading modern DBD would think that he's not only never been outside a red-state enclave, but probably not even been outside, period, in about twenty years.

    The deluded paranoia from the Peanut Gallery just never stops amazing me. The way they talk about NYC. They think it's this dystopian hellscape of ruin and chaos. I mean, they really believe that. And the way they're completely comfortable talking about walling it up and sealing it off ---- I do not believe they are joking.
    And then they go off about how dozens of other cities are going to collapse within months. What.

    1. The modern American Far Right is the brittle racism of White Flight reaching its endpoint.

    2. I'm sure they believe Portland is a hellish Antifa inferno, and...well...if that keeps them from coming here, who am I to try to contradict those beliefs?

      That being said, I would bet many of the commenters actually live comfortably ensconced in the suburban areas of said Blue cities, and would be unpleasantly surprised by what the reality of living in a rural Red area would be like. I could be wrong, but...Muir doesn't really live on a Texas ranch either, so....

    3. The American Right is a gated community pretending it's a frontier town.
