Saturday, October 31, 2015

Friday, October 30, 2015

"Of Course, Zed Is Too Virtuous To Actually Screw Her--BUT He Could If He Wanted To!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because egg cup swivel chair.

And  several brands of Muir's crazyfail converge in one terrible strip.

Really, all it needed was for the cop to be a black Muslim to complete the madness.

Thursday, October 29, 2015

"This Is A Brilliant Idea!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because ninja.

Apparently Muir now wants to hatefuck his own creation.

And doesn't see how this looks to any sane onlooker.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

"Those Fictional Jack-booted Thugs!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Better Homes and Gardens.

Yes, what have these people done to deserve this?  Aside from regularly violate the law? And make arrangements with a foreign power to allow them to do this with imagined impunity?  And...

Yeah, the longer you look at Muir's protagonists the more you realize they're less patriotic everymen then sociopaths dabbling in treason.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Most Morbid Fan Shoutout Ever.

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because the Austrians.

...Is that fire or... leaves, or what?

Monday, October 26, 2015

"Man, Time To Remind Everyone How Loathsome I Am!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because stuffed red chair.

Ahh, Skye.  Once again, you are the vehicle through which Muir's misogyny reaches the world...

Sunday, October 25, 2015

"It's Youse Guys Who Are Awful! Not Us! Never Us!!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because the nozzle.

As I stare at the naked hypocrisy of this, I have to ask, did Muir look into a mirror to get himself psyched to write this... thing?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Friday, October 23, 2015

"Obamacare Means The Government Runs The Hospitals Now, Right?"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because oxen.

And Muir's awful sexism blends with his vague understanding and yet fervent views on political matters to give us... this.

Shudder to behold it, people.

Thursday, October 22, 2015

This Would Be Touching If They Were Actual Characters...

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because World Book of Knowledge.

The juxtaposition of Zed's hamhock face and the bad cheesecake art of Sam give such a fine example of Muir's lack of talent in all its width and breadth...

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Drum Roll...

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Balkanize me!

Yes, even when injured, Sam has time for bad political jokes...

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"He's An Amusing Boy Genius!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because sit on it and rotate.

Well, at least Muir spared us another shot of his latest hellspawn's dead, eyeless face...

Monday, October 19, 2015

Sunday, October 18, 2015

"Heh! He's Nowhere Near As Manly As Me!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because stuffed alligator.

Yeah, he's not out on the front line like Muir is!

In upper Florida.

Relying on repeated rumors and stories to keep his outrage up.


And remember--even though the Dixiecrats essentially joined the Republicans en masse forty years ago... DOESN'T COUNT!  DEMOCRATS ARE THE REAL RACISTS!  ALWAYS!  AND FOREVER!

Saturday, October 17, 2015

"Son, Automatic Weapons Are Much More Manly!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because that's why they call me Frenchie.

Apparently Damon's son hit his teens while we weren't looking.  Soap opera aging.  So much fun.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

"She Is Totally DOOOOOMED!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because John Philip Sousa.

I'm waiting for another strip praising the genius of Trump.  It will complete the Bizarro campaign universe...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Monday, October 12, 2015

Thrill As NOTHING Happens!

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Studebaker Dictator.

Yes, thrill at crude tracings of motionless cars, desperately attempting to produce an illusion of dynamic motion that Muir's pathetic skills cannot convey...

Sunday, October 11, 2015

"Toxic Masculinity, AHOY!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because vents.

So Texan Dad is the source of his son's awful narcissism.  Good to know.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Friday, October 9, 2015

"Yeah, My Cast Has All Sorts Of Cool Things!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because magazine.

So, the point of this is to once again revel in all the neat possessions his imaginary friends have.  Woo.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

"Yep, He Personally Went There And Blew Them Away!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Sabaton.

Yes, once again proving that there is no tragedy that Muir can't scream is proof that Obama is Satan.  Even one that involves his precious, beloved military.  And that his cast can never stop screaming that, even as they border on the comatose...

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

"This Is How I React To Friends In Trouble!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because mist.

And as yet another false cliffhanger dies gasping, we consider that in the last picture, Damon's face has collapsed on itself, and his sunglasses have apparently devoured his eyes.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Crazier And With More Nudity!

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because koss.

Muir's unwritten rule of storytelling--any story is an excuse to get his female characters naked, and some crazy incompetent attempt to assassinate  or arrest the cast.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Prolonging The DRAMA!

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because you bet your life.

I half expect to see Jon Lovitz pop out and declare "AHHH-CTING!" But then, I am not as young as I was.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Not Since The Death Of Daddy Warbuck Because They Reelected Roosevelt...

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because one more night.

And so as we prepare for a further fakeout in this mangled metaphor, let us consider the clear evil of the Democratic plot to bring in the illegals to destroy the font of virtue that are Muir's racist, treason-supporting sociopaths.

Truly, they are the salt of the earth.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

"Awful Evil Immigrants! Causing Car Accidents Like That!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because harmonium.

So... they should have just... plowed right through then?  Or something? 

Yeah, Muir's lost the thread as usual in all this. Frankly, the way Zed and Sam have lived their lives as sociopathic assholes for the entire run of the strip, if this is how they buy it, it borders on the poetic.  And if it turns into another one of his false cliffhangers, it'll just be another sloppy, pointless metaphor.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Thrilling Wonder Stories!

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because portside.

By the pricking of my thumbs, something awful this way comes...