Thursday, May 28, 2009

Chris Muir Sucks the Inky Black Semen of Satan.

It's the Daily Day! Because the future's not ours to see.

So. Muir continues the tortured analogy between terrorism and abuse, and throws in more of the old Hillary is EVIL spiel. Personally, I think this strip crosses the line between the simple dumbass tastelessness that Muir usually indulges in into a realm of arrogant, ignorant petty evil. This is a man who, in thinking he is exposing his enemies' moral poverty, reveals the pathetic blasted squalor of his own soul.

If Muir were simply making an analogy between what he views as the similarity between the left's response to terrorists and abused spouses, it would simply be the words of a moronic ass. But that's not what he's doing. He creates a fictional case of an abused woman, then has it stand in for terrorism, trivilizing the entire problem of abuse. This is not the usual "Emperor has no clothes" effect of most of his strips--instead, it's the "Emperor rapes 12-year olds in public"*. Here, Muir moves beyond simply offending into the realm of actually disgusting.

It is not merely a bad strip. It is a shameful one.

*For those who want to accuse me of the same sin I say Muir is committing, realize my analogy is attempt to describe the intense disgust this strip fills me with.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you anonymous. I shall treasure that quote as much I do some of your other famous ones, such as "Love begins with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a teardrop."

    Also if you'll allow this humble, lesser known scribe to plumb the depths of your critique, is it the fact that I am deeply offended by Muir's using the abuse of a female character he created as a metaphor for terrorism that makes me "a donkey-raping shit-eater" in your eyes, or was that merely intended as a non sequitur?
