Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A General Note To Everyone.

As I watch waves of despair sweep through the liberal blogosphere, I feel compelled to break my gadfly character and state--calm down everybody. It isn't worth getting this upset about. The fight will not be over if the Health Bill falls or passes. So stop making it into Armageddon. That's playing their game. They are the ones who believe that if you work their miracle agenda, everything will be nice and good and we won't have to worry anymore. We live in the real world, where life is difficult. And that's just what's happening. Life is being difficult.

I think that the health bill will probably pass, albeit in a very weakened state. And I think this will be on the whole a good thing. I also think that the Republicans may make slight gains in the House and Senante, but they won't retake them. But I don't know. A week is a year in politics, and a year is an eternity. So declaring Obama a failure now is sheer idiocy. We're smarter than that, people. Let's try to act that way.

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