Tuesday, May 18, 2010

"One Of These Things Does Not Belong..."

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because you're poison running through my veins.

Muir insists the Great Society, a set of programs that reduced poverty, increased medical coverage and improved standards of living in the USA, are cast in the same mode as the Great Leap Forward, a set of totalitarian programs aimed at creating a command economy that resulted in mass starvation and government repression in China. This is easy for him to do, because Muir lacks any genuine political philosophy, and thus can lie--or at the very least, state utter falsehoods--with no misgivings whatsoever. What Muir has instead is a hatred of the left, and a tendency to absorbe talking points. Muir blabs about small government, and yet adores the largest, most wasteful section of it, and would gladly see that section expanding and doing more and more.

And since that section is the one that would actually be used to oppress us if the government actually were to become an authoritarian dictatorship...

Well, it says a lot about his commiment to freedom.

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