Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Disagreeing With Us Is Morally Wrong!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because how-de-ho!

"I mean, if he'd only started an illegal war and instituted torture, he'd be fine! But performing actions that benefit society at large? Propping up the economy? Coming in favor of freedom of religion? COME ON!

"See, you libs don't get the Constitution. You keep insisting on reading what it says. But that's crazy. If you read it carefully, you realize that the Founding Fathers want a Plutocratic, Corparist society where the priviledged rule do to their greater ability, and the average citizen does what they're told, as they know the elite have their best interests in heart, as elite are so very rich! And to assure that the nation is secure, diversity in religion and race are kept to a minimum, while the public moral is kept pure! They just had to be careful about putting it in there, as it would have blow the world's mind!"

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