Saturday, November 27, 2010

The Marathon Man...

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Lars von Trier.



Let it end.


  1. Bravo for managing to actually read this thing. I'm sure that what fans of Day By Day wanted was really bad relationship humor. Hell, maybe they do - if DBD draws its readers from the same pool as most webcomics, I'm sure that some of them are glad for the opportunity to vicariously romance some weird-shaped women.

    I never thought I'd have a chance to say this, but: Chris Muir is no Bruce Tinsley.

  2. Thank you, sir.

    And yeah. Fun fact. Every now and then... I read bits that Muir's fans post about his strip. And they--really seem to think he's better than Trudeau. Not just 'politically preferable'--better.

    What's amusing is that Muir, as I'm fond of noting, demonstrates a notable LACK of creativity--most webcomics show an almost geometric increase of their casts in the first few years. Muir's gone from four characters to four characters, two secondary characters, and two rarely seen background characters. In a run that is nearing a decade.
