Sunday, May 29, 2011

"How Dare He Betray Our Reliably Unreliable Ally!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the revolution will not be televised.

Ahh, look at this rather odd collection of poorly-thought sock puppets for Muir. There's Netanyahu, a man who more or less embodies Israel's self-destructive impulses, and who Muir thinks should be supported because... well, just because. There's Walesa, who Muir appears to have forgotten came to power as a union head, hasn't been President of Poland for years and complains about a "betrayal", which appears to be... talking to Russia. There's Sosa, who came to power thanks to a coup, and whose government is busily committing human rights abuses. And there's Gordon Brown, the ex-Prime Minister of Britain, and member of the Labour Party--which happen to be members of the Socialst International, thus making them a lot closer to Marxists then Obama--who's there--I don't know why.

None of this makes an sense, even by Muir's shaky standards. Indeed as so often happens when he tries something like this, Muir winds up highlighting his ignorance, paranoia and gullibility.

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