Sunday, July 10, 2011

Islamocommufacism GO!

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because splurge!

This is a fascinating bit of right-wing BS. Muir starts by giving left-wing criticisms of Obama, then gives us a right-wing criticism, in the form of what he views as a left-wing validation. There is something almost Uriah Heepish in the Right's description of itself as the party of the common man--a disgusting and transparent effort to boast of virtues that it lacks. Especially as 'the common man' seems to mean 'white suburbanites that don't want to rock the boat'.

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, Muir, putting quotes from Young Frankenstein and the Big Lebowski in your comic doesn't make you hip. There's little sadder than the conservative old guard trying to look modern.
