Friday, February 24, 2012

"Goodbye, Mother Nature..."

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because hooha!

Sometimes, this strip is like something drawn by a twelve-year old.

But a twelve-year old would try to make the panels interesting.


  1. Just wanted you to know you are doing a hero's work.

    It lets me get my daily fix of this utter douchebag's complete crap in a way that at least shows him I've come in via an anti-fan link.

    If there is a single unfunnier, less-talented, more-misguided creep than Muir in the entire universe then I pity that sorry bastard.

  2. Well thank you. I've said it before, and I'll say it again--these 'slice-of-life' cartoons are often the worst things he does. While his political cartoons occasionally reach a certain hideous beauty--the mad rantings of a lunatic who's convinced he's figured out the secrets of the universe--these are simply that same lunatic trying to hold a conversation on normal subjects, and failing. They're still awful, but its more a slow, painful awful, instead of flamboyantly insane awful.
