Monday, December 3, 2012

"She Ain't A Big Girl, Like Me!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Psalm 100.

The problem of course, is that even in the truncated, somewhat obnoxious form Muir puts them in, Skye's arguments are... well, correct.  Progressivism is not tyranny simply because Muir says it is, Muir's inaction during the Bush years when genuine steps at curtailing liberties were taken shows that he is almost utterly partisan in his convictions, Muir has demonstrated time and time again that he's pretty racist, with constant "birther"isms and efforts to paint Obama as the other, and finally, yes, Obama won the election, no matter how much Muir wishes otherwise.  Further Sam's objections are either wrong,--Skye isn't making a straw man argument--meaningless,--insisting that any claims of racism are simply "playing the race card" isn't a counterargument, it's an artless dodge--or petty--Sam's declaration of how childish Skye is is utterly childish itself.  Once again, Muir has fallen into his old habit of making his evil straw man right through his own ineptness as a writer.

It says something that Muir can't even do propaganda right.

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