Saturday, January 31, 2015

And Then Skye Was A Zombie.

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Liane the Wayfarer.

You know, every now and then Muir draws a panel that demonstrates that, no, his skills as an artist aren't improving at all--at best, he's managed to figure out how to avoid drawings that showcase his many, many weaknesses as an artist.

Like that mind-bendingly awful last picture of Skye, who is apparently going full Morlock.


  1. Would you know of a cast list for this dreck? The one over there is just 4 characters.

  2. I don't believe there is one--and it's quite a small cast for a webcomic. As I've noted in the past, Muir's cast has always been a sort of advertisement--most webcomics double their casts in a year. Muir has gone from four characters to roughly ten, after about a decade. Which might be an admirable minimalism, sacrificing scope to zoom in on a few characters with laser-like intensity--except the characters are all horrible from a literary viewpoint alone...

  3. Hahaha...oh wow, 10 years? I'm not sure exactly when I started reading this, but it was through a link to this blog. I've mostly been able to follow the plot along just cause most of the characters seem so over the top obvious. I'm also fascinated by the creepy sexy times (ditto the comments, especially the expressly rapey), the love of violence and corruption (again, wow those comments) and the racism/homophobia/sexism/other-ism. And have I mentioned the comments?

    I have some many relatives that would love this if they knew about it. I can't look away.

  4. Twelve years, actually, going on thirteen. (And I just realized that I left something off that--it was supposed to read 'an advertisement of Muir's lack of imagination'.)

    Muir actually got this published professionally, briefly, years ago, on the same basis that gets 'Mallard Fillmore' put next to 'Doonesbury' in some newspapers. That depresses me to no end.

  5. And are there really two characters that are Sam Elliott clones?
