Monday, August 5, 2019

"The Knowledge We Can Persecute Brown-Skinned Folks Fills Me With Joy!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because diesel and dust.

You know, this thing is loopy enough, and when you start considering the context, it becomes the latest example of how Muir's really lost the thread of this damn strip.


  1. I'd love to see Muir's reaction in November 2002 if someone could have come from the future and said "In 17 years, Sam the engineer will be working in a burlesque bar & grill by night and riding robot dogs in the desert by day."

    1. Ayyup. Though I can't help but suspect that the whole thing would wind up working like in the early 'Terminator' movies.

      Hey, maybe THAT's why Muir has Terminator ripoffs show up all the time!
