Friday, July 17, 2020

So... Insightful. That's A Word For It.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because The Seventh Seal (1957).

At this point, I'm genuinely baffled at what Muir thinks is going on in the world. Does he think the pandemic controls are some kind of sinister conspiracy? Does he think the pandemic is some kind of conspiracy? Does he think about it at all? About the only easily interpreted thing about that strip is that Muir's a sexist ass, and newsflash, we all know that by now.


  1. That's exactly what I've been confused about for months. I have no idea what he believes is happening in the world. All I know is, whatever he thinks, he and his peanut gallery are on exactly the same wavelength. They all have this bizarre unspoken simpatico, a wordless understanding that needs no explanation.

    1. It's interesting, because Muir's views have changed as the crisis went on. He started out viewing it as a nonevent, then as a scourging of the decadent blue states he could safely ignore, then the blue states being whiny babies, and then the blue states fault as things in South started to get very bad, and now, as they rise and rise and there's no end in sight--he's back to ignoring it, but there's some vague belief there that's impossible to pin down.
