It's the Day's Day of Days! Because bring on the dancing girls.
It's fascinating to watch the cast scream how they're oppressed by people not being them, and daring to call them on the various illegal things they do.
A day by day look at Chris Muir's Day By Day, punctuated by efforts to make the hurting stop.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because bring on the dancing girls.
It's fascinating to watch the cast scream how they're oppressed by people not being them, and daring to call them on the various illegal things they do.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because in a rose tattoo.
Muir's vague ideas that there's a giant populist uprising just waiting to happen blend with vague ideas how the evil conspiracy works to produce this exceedingly dull, static strip.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because wallaby.
As we stare at this concentrated dose of paranoia, sexual hangups and gun obsession, it's clear that Muir would have been convinced by the audit's "results" if they had been a child's drawing, and a gum wrapper.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because long gone.
Muir's really gone over the bend on this one. It's kind of sad, him imagining he's such an independent thinker for echoing nonsense that stands a decent chance of killing him in an extremely unpleasant way.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because let me tell you about a place, up about New York way.
Muir is going to imagine an incompetent government in the service of evil foreign powers until we get another actual incompetent government in the service of evil foreign powers. But that will be okay, because they'll be fascist white supremacists.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because knowing that you would have wanted it this way, I do believe I'm feeling stronger everyday.
And Muir's Imaginary Black Friend agrees with him on everything to the necessary fascist takeover, and the awful oppression that white men face. Because that's his job.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Vincent Price as Egghead.
Won't lie, my ability not to gloat if Muir should catch Covid is approaching nil, because, well, how can you react to a guy who thinks he's smarter than you because he won't take sensible precautions and hopes you die from taking them?
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the sky is crying.
...This is a man for whom the worst aspects of the 1980s never ended.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Oy!
It's kind of fascinating watching Muir blend his Covid craziness with his China conspiracies to make... this.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because alchemy, the science of understanding the structure of matter.
It's not just that Muir's a propagandist, it's that he's an inept propagandist.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots, Part 1.
Muir. He's utterly not gay, and finds all that disgusting, and also, knows his evil enemies are plotting that in addition to all their other hideous degeneracy.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because you know, I'm falling, falling, falling at your feet.
He's going to die of Covid and liver failure while insisting the horse deworming medicine did the trick, isn't he?
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because time cast a spell on you, so you won't forget me.
I think even Muir's starting to stumble over his conspiracy theories at the moment.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because freak out in a moonage daydream, oh yeah!
It's kind of bleakly fascinating, watching Muir shift the goalposts once again. What's interesting is he no longer has any definition of good foreign policy, just a vague sense of being betrayed by a shadowy set of elites who don't love the troops the way he does.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because are you tired, do you feel hung out?
Remember the lack of proof only shows the power of the conspiracy. Just like the fact that most officials oppose it, only shows that both parties have been compromised.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because do I hear 150?
Ah, yes, all that Muir's opponents do is tyranny of the highest order, whereas all Muir would do to others is merely the natural order.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because why don't you browse a bit?
So, he's ripping off The Ghost Breakers, AND screaming about the vaccine.
It's a sort of apotheosis.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because this is highway robbery.
Muir's ability to imagine that we should like these people is more impressive than anything he writes about them.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because everyone's square.
With shit like this, the question is 'Is this ignorance or malice?' and the answer is 'yes'.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because listen to the wind blow.
I don't know whether the laziness, or wink-wink-nudge-nudge aspect of it all annoys me worse.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Lovejoy.
It's the soap opera from hell.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because who's with me here?
It's interesting to see Muir's usual cargo culting at work here--he knows a scene like this can be affecting, so if he does a scene like this, well, people will like it, regardless of his lack of solid preparation, or how little sense it makes.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because who'll give three and four?
At this point, I'm wondering how this awful convoluted mess of a plotline is going to resolve.
Probably like the robots and the government hating the compound--it won't, reality will just be asked to limp on wounded.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because why would you wear cleats to a store?
It's when you really dwell on this the awfulness sinks in. This is the fantasy of someone who has done no good and great ill, of himself as a superhero able to solve problems. Muir blames the government for his own inadequacies, while simultaneously negatively impacting its ability to solve or mediate problems. Any resulting failures are more evidence that the government doesn't work, and should be downgraded to allow individuals like him for freedom to act. And the courses of action Muir supports are arrogant fantasies at best--at worst hateful, racist arrogant fantasies. They are poorly thought out, frequently aimed at imaginary problems, and when aimed at actual problems transparently ineffectual to any critical observer.
That's what this strip is--a man who makes life more difficult for others screaming that if we just let him do what he wanted, everything would be better, even as he proposes actions that would make things even more difficult for other people.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because she cried for no one.
You can always count on Muir to find new depths of cowardly xenophobia to plumb, while insisting that he is a real brave Murican.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I've seen all the dropouts who make their own rules.
Won't lie, at this point, I'm ranking "Muir catches Covid" as close to inevitable.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because for liberty, Fernando.
It's weird to see the various shufflings of the sinister group Muir imagines to be running the government.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because are you tired, do you all feel wrung out?
It's always kind of amazing to watch Muir use the same picture for a real person over and over.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because shroud.
...Let's wait and see how long it takes Muir to stop caring.
My bet is not much longer.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I'd rather be hammer than a nail.
What's amazing is how nakedly it comes across that Muir is only angry about this because he views this as a personal humiliation, not because of any actual concern on the subject. That and his preoccupation with insane conspiracy theories to explain anything.