Monday, September 13, 2021

Love Among The Ruinous.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because this is highway robbery.

Muir's ability to imagine that we should like these people is more impressive than anything he writes about them.


  1. Okay, for real, what is with the "redheads" thing? He's been writing those jokes almost literally from day one. Am I just ignorant or what? Because I have no idea what any of that's about.

    1. Redheads--especially female redheads--are supposed to be temperamental. It's pretty much an ancient cliche.

    2. I know about that, but he OBSESSES over the cliche to such a ridiculous degree that it feels like he and his readers are in on some joke that I'm not. The way he beats that dead horse all the time, you'd think jokes about redheads were ubiquitous in the culture. They aren't. They're not even as common as "dumb blonde" jokes, and those are less common than they once were.

    3. He just recycled a joke from a 1940s Bob Hope film. This for late Boomer-early Gen Xers trying to relive the sensation of pretending they love their parents' jokes to get pats on the head.
