Saturday, July 30, 2022

Remember, Bigotry Is Always Based On An Ironclad Understanding Of Reality.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because spectrum.

The man who has literally invented an imaginary world where his characters are protected by ludicrous wunderwaffe while only facing pathetic strawmen as enemies so they never have to face consequences for their actions is once again portraying himself as a steely realist who understands how things actually work.


  1. Um, is Skye aware that her sister was talking about banning all Democrats...?

  2. Oh, but it's cool though----she's no longer a Democrat. So no biggie.

    This is really where Muir has landed. "Kill them all", essentially. Not too far removed from that.

    I'm completely serious in fearing that if the fascist takeover comes to full flower, the government will stage some Reichstag fire type of situation, and have the Democratic Party declared a terrorist organization.

    That should make Muir and his fans very happy. Maybe they'll even get to watch the arrests and executions livestreamed.
