It's the Day's Day of Days! Because while the storyteller speaks, a door within the fire creaks.
A reminder that Mia's mother is an Israeli Jewish woman.
A day by day look at Chris Muir's Day By Day, punctuated by efforts to make the hurting stop.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because while the storyteller speaks, a door within the fire creaks.
A reminder that Mia's mother is an Israeli Jewish woman.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Detroit tough.
Ahh, Muir is in fifth-rate stand-up comic rehashing unfunny cliched jokes mode. Joy.
Still, at least he isn't being crazyevil.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because my cakes will burn.
Fundamentally, the worship of asshole Texas judges is just another aspect of Muir's worship of a Texas that only exists in his head. It's just the most nakedly authoritarian aspect.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Ancient City.
It's fascinating how Muir has grown more ignorant and incoherent while growing more arrogant and sure of himself in equal measure. Like any fascist he has not only dehumanized his enemies, but done so to a ludicrous extent, all while losing any ability to understand them. Not that he ever had much to begin with.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Halloween!
As slight as this strip is, it gives you the essence of Muir, these days. A man revealing his own ignorance and vileness in ways that are simply pathetic, and thinking that every time he's just rocking it.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because try try try to let it ride.
It's good to see that becoming an American First isolationist hasn't stopped Muir from returning to his neocon 'forever wars forever' roots when he's in the mood. But why should it? It's not like he bothers to be consistent on any subject. Except for the racism against Muslims. That he's pretty solid on.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the winner by a submission.
There's something bleakly fascinating in how Muir thinks these moronic petty blowhards are likable.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Cooper's Lament.
I'm offended, and I don't even like Mayor Adams.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because there was Slugger O'Toole, who was drunk as a rule.
It's the sheer levels of awful that Muir reveals here that get you, as the only objection to the... you know, human trafficking offered is that they are doing is that it's part of the evil (((globalist))) conspiracy to replace white people Americans and the reply is 'Ha, those inferior effete urban dwellers are not our countrymen!' It's fractal awful.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because takin' my time.
Like many fascists, Muir keeps running into two problems. Firstly, for all he likes to imagine himself a patriotic American, he actually hates the nation and views its government as decadent and weak. As usual for his ilk he gets around it by declaring the present government is in fact in hock to foreign powers, so his opposition to it is just him being extra patriotic. Yes, it is those foreign powers who are corrupting the nation's vital essence and doing things Muir doesn't like. But then the second problem rears its head... Muir is a delusional, ignorant, and bigoted reactionary and the things he doesn't like are usually good actions.
And so we get the insidious Chinese plot to vaccinate people and not persecute gay people.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because classic.
The fascinating thing is how we're watching Muir's misunderstandings about how technology works join with his misunderstandings about how politics work and joining with his inability to write consistent premises making this entire plotline a muddle.
At this point, I'm wondering if the damn gold reserve is still in existence, or it's just another thing Muir wrote, then decided didn't matter. And don't get me started on the entire secession.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because fading like a flower.
Sometimes the fact that these characters are surviving because they're the author's pets is made very clear.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because lemons.
The tensions between Muir's desire for his cast to be Far Right everymen suffering under the oppression and misrule of the gubment, and Far Right supermen who the gubment quakes in fear of has gotten very exaggerated in the last few years.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because friendly dog.
The most obnoxious element of Muir's fascism is the George Constanzaish tendency to seek out not very clever loopholes.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the glory and the dream.
Well, would you look at that? Muir's whining about the Jan. 6 insurrectionists facing consequences has actually somehow gotten worse. Hard to believe it.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because random sample.
This strip underlines how much this allegedly political comic strip has become completely divorced from the actual political events of the day. Muir deals perfunctorily with distorted versions of actual events that seem based on little more than vague impressions, because they don't matter to him. It's the conspiracy theories that count, not the government being unable to pass spending bills.
Which Muir approves of, because the government doing anything but killing brown people is bad.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the holly and the ivy.
There's something comical in the fact that Muir's pathetic take on what an evil degenerate Biden has always been involves a bunch of thinly retouched versions of the main cast in stock poses.
Something in this strip has to be.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because in vino veritas.
You can tell that a large part of Muir's increasing acceptance of Nazi rhetoric is reading a lot of online Nazis. This is pretty standard 'Great Replacement' bullshit that you'll find in their corners of the web.
Of course, Muir has always been susceptible to swallowing arguments he likes whole without questioning. It's just that's gone from "And that's why Iraq is actually going well" to this.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because toaster heat level settings.
It's interesting. When describing Muir's political changes through the years, I tend to feel it is less a transformation and more a revelation. The basic core has mostly remained the same, but the surrounding levels of bullshit and doublethink have been gradually stripped away. The Muir of a few years ago would have written something similar to this, but more mealy-mouthed. The Muir of a decade ago might have thought things like this, but he wouldn't have put them directly to page. And the Muir of two decades ago might have felt things like this, but had a very careful set of denials in his head that he could trot out and say he wasn't a racist.
All gone now. The essential bigot no longer feels the need to hide.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because all God's chillun got rhythm.
As we stare at this combo of racism, conspiracy nonsense, and more of Muir's old man grumbling, we have to ask... why do they care? They're running a supposedly independent nation that the Feds somehow can't touch, with its own gold-backed currency.
But then, Muir seems to have forgotten that plot--to have realized, on some level, that even in the strip's universe, it isn't real. It wouldn't shock me to see him yank it back into play later, mind you, but for now, it really seems like he just couldn't keep it going.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because total eclipse of the heart.
Somehow, it makes sense for Muir to shout out a shitty incoherent work of art that the Right has gushed over because it fits their worldview and lets them imagine they're owning the libs by insisting it's great.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because sad trombone.
Wow. It says something that Muir's present political beliefs have managed to produce the most horrible response imaginable to events in Israel. Actual cheerleading for one side or the other would be less repugnant than this, and that would be hella repugnant.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Black Seal.
The extent to which these people live their lives on the basis of irritating others regardless of the consequences is so pathetic.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because old shoe.
As we watch Muir babble his nonsense and imagine it shows what an insightful observer of world politics he is, let us all agree that zombie werehyena Musk just seems to be getting worse and worse with each new appearance.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because they call me the wild rose.
The utter lack of any real direction for this strip only makes the grotesqueness of the art stand out more.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because exclusive poster inside!
He has the girl he aged up so he could draw softcore of her say this.
While doing a pinup pose on top of it.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because cowbell.
Ahh, Muir's insistence that Biden is simply a puppet and his bizarre Schwarzenegger fixation. Two running gags that just... keep on.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because old No. 7.
Sometimes Muir just wants to jabber about the made-up hi-tech gizmos he gives the cast like candy, and so you get a strip like this with a lot of that, and then a weak punchline. It's as if E.E. "Doc" Smith were reincarnated and writing a bad political comic strip.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Rockford music.
There is something genuinely nerve-wracking in how off-kilter this strip has gotten, in that it tries something like this as a heartwarming moment.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because spicy hash browns.
Sometimes you get reminded how bizarre every single decision Muir has made as regards the cast, and the plot are.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because spelunker.
The interesting thing is how vague Muir's complaints are outside the racist nonsense against immigrants. And Muir depicts his cast as among those awoken by this terrible, yet indeterminate oppression, despite the fact that they have literally been living as de facto racist militia for nearly a decade now.