Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Donations Welcome.

It's the Daily Day! Because I had to cry today.

Muir talks about the left changing the definitions of words, and then claims that Obama is a fascist not a liberal--"fascist" apparently meaning "Democrat I don't like" to Muir. As we watch Muir inject more rich, tasty unknowing irony straight into his strip's veins, we have to ask--does he even know what fascism is? Why does he think Obama is a character straight of 1984, but that Bush and Cheney were basically decent guys and defenders of the nation?

Which is why I'm starting the Fund To Send Muir A Dictionary*, which will mail him one with the definitions of words he seems to get wrong--like "fascist", "liberal", "conservative" and "intelligent"--helpfully highlighted. Because if we don't help the obnoxious and stupid, they'll just keep annoying the utter fuck out of us.

*Fund To Send Muir A Dictionary is fictious and not actually accepting donations at all. Though if you do send me money, I will take it.

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