Tuesday, November 3, 2009


It's All Our Yesterdays! Because Der Kobold.

This cartoon is particularly awkward as it demonstrates in the strip that what Muir is saying is false. One of the central platforms of the Nazi Party was that Germany needed to militarily expand into various neighboring nations. This is nowhere in the Democratic platform he claims is nearly identical. Which strongly suggests they aren't identical at all.

Let's look at something else. I have taken to calling Muir a fascist. My reason for this is based on the beliefs he has regularly shown in the strip. His attitude towards the military is close to worship, though married with a noteworthy lack of regard for the worth of the individual soldier that makes him see foreign adventurism as a point of national pride. His nationalism is simplistic and jingoistic, often splitting the world into a Manichean struggle between the worthy, who are with us, and the wicked, who are against us, with the wicked to be defeated at any cost. While Muir carps on about 'individual liberties' they mean very little for him as long as they are lost in this imaginary struggle. This political mindset is known by many names, but the most apt in Muir's case, is Fascist.

Now, you may disagree with me on this. That's your right. But you'll notice I've given my reasons why I call Muir a fascist. Muir has simply repeated, over and over, that the Democrats are Nazis, while never explaining what that means.

And now--back to the snark.

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