Sunday, March 6, 2011

"Chris Muir! He's Hysterically Slanderific!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because there's a chapel in the pines.

And Muir uses a bit of wingnut paranoid fantasy as a diving board into the realms of ad hominem attack and faulty comparison, comparing Obama to Hitler, Mao, and the Kims, in a way that demonstrates his own shaky understanding of the horror he claims to oppose, and his rather poor . He also unironically uses the language of the McCarthite Red Scare, all while thinking he's showing his own incredible integrity, and maturity.

Of course, that's Muir's problem. He's not mature, and he has all the integrity of an earthworm. Like most reactionaries, he proclaims himself an incredible patriot, but the nation he loves isn't actually his country, but an imaginary version that he thinks used to exist. The present nation is a weak and decadent shell which needs to be shocked into its proper course. The government must be opposed, unless it's in the hands of reactionaries, who will do what needs to be done. (Which is usually launching a war on somebody.) Muir thinks this strip is a devastating argument against his opponents--instead it's an advertisement of his ignorance and moral bankruptcy.

But then, it's got plenty of competition in that area.

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