Sunday, May 27, 2018

Chockfull Of Alternative Facts, Or As They Are Also Known, Lies.

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because if you've got know place to go, if you're feeling down.

The pointless sexism brought into the paranoid rants for no apparent reason is pretty much peak-Muir, isn't it?


  1. Muir sent me on another wild chase, here. Mueller's "star witness" is Jeff Epstein? Um....what?
    I googled it. All I saw were bits and pieces here and there indicating that Epstein was some kind of witness while Mueller was FBI director. Mostly from no-name rightwing sites and Reddit threads.

    How deep is Muir digging to come up with these wild curveballs? How would any rational human being even connect Epstein to the Trump/Russia investigation?

    1. Well, there's your mistake. You're thinking like a rational human being.
