Sunday, December 22, 2019

"They Are All Doing The Bidding Of Their Jew Master!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because sweet potato casserole.


Imagine being able to draw shit like this, make it, stare it and say to yourself with a satisfied chuckle, "Wow, I'm sure sticking it to the Dems."

If you could, you'd be Muir.


  1. Bill finally put down whatever that book is he's been reading for ten years long enough to sort through the mail.

    1. "Day by Day". Where a man can drink a cup of coffee for a week straight.

  2. By the way this is another instance of me not knowing what the hell is supposed to be happening here. What is the implication of Soros, the puppetmaster of...all evil, I guess...sending a package the hell is the "Bag Lady" even supposed to mean in this case?

    If you know this madman is trying to say here, enlighten me.

    1. That Soros wants to get rid of the Clintons for reasons. What reasons?

      I dunno, maybe they just haven't paid their dues in the evil conspiracy of evil.
