Friday, December 6, 2019

"Those Ukranians! The Cause Of All The World's Woes!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because when the world's on fire.

Seeing as the politics of this can be summed up as "Every aspect of this is wrong", let's focus on those grotesque Trump drawings.



  1. Much as I'd like to, I can't. Here you have this maniac and his readers laughing and condoning something that's expressly illegal -- foreign campaign contributions. Trump and Sam/Skye are supposed to all be the GOOD GUYS in this world, and yet the author openly portrays them committing criminal acts.

    1. Muir has always imagined our politics to be infinitely more corrupt than they in fact are, so as to make his awful characters more righteous.

      You just get used to that. Because, yeah, the entire Skye campaign isn't just a joke, it's a joke that could possibly get arrested.
