Sunday, January 19, 2020

"He Evul An Bah, An Also, Da Real Racist!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Harvest Wheat.

I mean, sure, there are those neo-nazis, they arrested, but aside from that...


  1. The feverish rantings of "Alaska Paul":

    "This whole Richmond thing is a setup. Antifa is using classic disinformation to get positioned in a place to create a Charlotte-like incident. Gov Coonman is herding well intentioned citizens into a fenced kill box. If things go sideways, expect jamming or shut down of cell phones and communications. The govt will have SWAT assets, aerial assets (planes, helicopters, drones) available. All they need is a triggering incident to get the show started.

    You cannot reason with people who have their own agenda and are not interested in what you have to stay. Better rethink your strategy."

    You certainly can't.

    Like I've said, I cannot imagine how taxing it must be to wake up every single day in the world these lunatics live in.

    1. I keep thinking of that Simpsons episode where Burns and Homer are stuck together in the cabin...
