Friday, January 3, 2020

Yup! The FBI Sucks Even More Than Antifa!

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because giant rats.


So of course, he's doubling down on this. Of course he is.


  1. Among the many, many astonishing things about the broader Trump phenomenon, surely among the top ten most mindboggling is how thoroughly the right-wing base has been turned against its traditional bulwarks, the FBI and CIA. The spectacle of these people hating on these institutions more vehemently than even the most adamant civil-rights leftists is otherworldly.

    What supernatural gift enables Trump to perform these feats of dark wizardry?

    1. No gift, no magic. The Right's support of the Alphabet Soup was always based on the idea that they would never be targeted by it, so the moment that happened, things went south.

      As I've noted before, now they are all the BATF.
