It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I'd buy that for a dollar!
It's like watching every brand of Muir's awful and crazy jumble up into one mass of 'whut'.
A day by day look at Chris Muir's Day By Day, punctuated by efforts to make the hurting stop.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I'd buy that for a dollar!
It's like watching every brand of Muir's awful and crazy jumble up into one mass of 'whut'.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because from tempered glass I built the apparatus to align in the presence of phantasms.
I'm just wondering what made Muir decide this was a plotline he wanted to pursue, and this was the way to pursue it.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Black Extra-Aged Bourbon.
The combination of Muir's latest gobbledygook conspiracy theories and terrible skills at drawing actions sequences make this one especially painful to read.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because she knows that it's demanding to defeat those evil machines.
The strip vanishes up its own ass while offering porn for chickenhawks.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because oh, Yoshimi.
The iron law holds--no matter what happens, Muir will have a terrible response to it, and then follow it up with an even worse one.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the day I was a horse.
How many times as he put his imaginary supersoldiers in a hot spot while imagining he was paying homage to the people there instead of denigrating their problems now? I've actually lost count.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because and they danced.
It's interesting how with Trump we got a continuous presentation of an omnicompetent administration that kept ignoring how it had to unpeople former members, while with Biden we get a succession of imaginary shadow governments that are supposed to be the ones really calling the shots, while Muir spews hatred at anyone who doesn't back his brand of bigoted nonsense.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because kiss, kiss Molly's lips.
Today, we get the double shotgun blast of Muir hating on people who actually served in the military, and Muir demonstrating the extent to which Obama lives rent-free in his head.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Luke Kelly.
The worst part about this is watching Muir pretend to care about things. He doesn't. He has a sort of shallow affect version that he puts on when he has the idea that he's supposed to be concerned, but he'll go back to not caring the moment that ends. Hell, one can see this in the comments, where for many of his fans the answer to Afghanistan is unrestrained genocide.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because oboe music.
You know, I don't know what's more awful, Muir's anti-vax bullshit, or his unwillingness to acknowledge any part the bullish foreign policy he supported played in what's happening in Afghanistan. Both are the pathetic whines of a man who bleats endlessly about responsibility while never taking any of it.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because blueberry.
At this point, it's clear that 'communism' isn't a philosophy for Muir, it's a vague label for everything he doesn't like.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because you take up my time like a cheap magazine.
It says something that Muir's complaints about Afghanistan have rapidly become an incoherent babble of paranoia, especially as he's gone all over the place on the subject in the past. On some level, it's hard not to think he's aware that he no longer has any real argument, just an endless scream of rage.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because there's a kind of hush all over the world tonight.
Does Muir realize the irony of positioning himself as the defender from the Taliban while offering the Euro-American version of their politics?
Of course he doesn't, he knows he's different because he's white.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I asked to see her next week, and she said that I could.
You can always count on Muir to follow up a bad take with a worse take.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Al Hirt's amazing trumpet solo.
And of course, not a single admission of his own journey on the subject, just more angry fist-waving and racism, because, of course. That's what you need, right?
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because such a subtle wrist.
As I await for Muir to explain how is now for continuing the war again, only of course, never admitting he changed his opinion on the matter, let's note that the very day he compared liberals to conservatives Muslims, he would go on to compare his own right wing compatriots with the Taliban.
Because of course he did.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because save your tears.
Muir recognizes only one true freedom, that of heterosexual white Christian Right men to do whatever they want whenever they want, and for all others to give into their whims immediately. Forcing them to tolerate others is oppression--indeed, minorities and women will be happier once they realize their place in the scheme of things. And for those insisting that Muir violates his own religion regularly, well, that must be wrong, because Muir knows he's a good Christian and so what he does must be the right thing for a Christian to do.
But of course, the left are the ones who resemble Islamic fundamentalists.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because thunderstruck.
So, all that Cruz had to do was block voting reform for the moment, and he's back to being a mancrush.
That and watching Muir trying to cloak his racist awfulness in respectability through buzzwords is making me taste some bile at the back of my throat.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls.
Nice of Muir to remind us that he's still a racist asshat worried about immigrants whose protagonists just seem to schlep through ludicrously impossible plots while facing bad caricatures in place of actual oponents.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because her soul slips away, but don't look back in anger.
Muir finding stupid reasons to accuse his opponents of being Nazis as he swans about it in jackboots has been a feature for awhile, but adding it to anti-vaxxing is a new wrinkle.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because until I hit the bottom, I won't believe it's bottomless.
And we know this is true, because remember, Skye and Jan are liberals. Muir keeps saying they are.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Sunny.
Yes, Muir, your opponents are the one's who are living in isolated communities and shutting themselves off from the real word, creating incestuous loops of misinformation.
And you know this is true because they never talk about the things you know are happening. From third-hand sources.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because seventy-three men sailed up from the San Francisco Bay.
Nothing like watching Muir trash places he's never been to and never will go to because he's immersed himself into a lunatic bubble that paints everything that isn't racist white suburbia as a hellscape.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because you're gonna here electric music, solid walls of sound.
You know, the interesting thing in all the usual 'Democrats bad, immigrants bad, Republicans weak puppets' blurge is that Muir flip flops on the whole 'Covid isn't a real threat' stance he has, and doesn't appear to notice it. But of course, that's the thing about Muir--on some level he assumes everyone is an incoherent and operating on faith as he is.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because one more thing.
Sometimes I wonder who serves each other worse in this relationship, the fans who keep shelling out the money or Muir, who keeps drawing shit like this.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because peaches.
What with the twins making their... debut this year, the boasting about the bad softcore is looking exceptionally unpleasant right now.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because they paved paradise, put up a parking lot.
He says this as masks mandates start up again thanks to delta.
At this point, it's hard not to see Muir's ignorance as being largely a defense mechanism. If he doesn't bother to know what he's talking about, he can recast any event into a victory in his mind.
It's the Day's Day of Day! Because Coven.
It's fairly typical that Muir can't explain how Pelosi is draining America's life, he just knows she must be doing it, somehow.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because GLORIOUS PURPOSE!
Watching Muir fuck up his cultural references yet again kind of underlines how under that veneer of ultrapatriotism, he really is pretty much an outsider looking in on the nation he claims to love.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Fearful Rock.
As we hit yet another session of Muir flagellating the GOP for not being insane enough, let's note that Muir's brand of 'libertarianism for me, authoritarianism for thee' has reached a very strange state, where he desires freedoms that are actively debilitating for the country and the people practicing them for the in-group, and insane, brutal summary violence for the crime of existing for the out-group.
The American Far-Right's ideal state has moved from 'Nazi Germany, only with the Stars and Stripes' to 'Post-1944 Nazi Germany, only with the Stars and Stripes and no actual war to justify the pointless counter-productive brutality as the nation self-cannibalizes'.
It's actually quite terrifying.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I meant a Philadelphia Roll. Damn.
I think Muir realized the narrative couldn't sustain having his ubermenschen kicking down the government and so did yet another copout.
Oh, well, now for a month of him coyly hinting that he thinks Trump will be back and then blinking and acting as if nothing is wrong when he remains not President.