Sunday, August 15, 2021

Youse All Secret Muslims!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because save your tears.

Muir recognizes only one true freedom, that of heterosexual white Christian Right men to do whatever they want whenever they want, and for all others to give into their whims immediately. Forcing them to tolerate others is oppression--indeed, minorities and women will be happier once they realize their place in the scheme of things. And for those insisting that Muir violates his own religion regularly, well, that must be wrong, because Muir knows he's a good Christian and so what he does must be the right thing for a Christian to do.

But of course, the left are the ones who resemble Islamic fundamentalists.

1 comment:

  1. What terrifies me is how the peanut gallery speaks with such conviction about how the mainstream media is "completely disconnected from reality".

    I'm glad I don't have children. Because I don't know how I could keep up the facade that adults are rational and have a fucking clue what they're doing. I could lie about Santa Claus, but I'd have much more trouble lying about that. My entire adulthood has been defined by the post-9/11 era and watching this country absolutely lose its mind, which has been incredibly disillusioning. To think I once believed in competence, rationality and reason.
