Friday, August 20, 2021

He's Gonna Start Going Off About The Fringe On The Flag Soon.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because you take up my time like a cheap magazine.

It says something that Muir's complaints about Afghanistan have rapidly become an incoherent babble of paranoia, especially as he's gone all over the place on the subject in the past. On some level, it's hard not to think he's aware that he no longer has any real argument, just an endless scream of rage.

1 comment:

  1. I will never stop being astonished at how openly bloodthirsty the peanut gallery is (as are the millions of others they speak for). They particularly love to fantasize about mass executions by hanging, even relishing the idea of letting the victims' toes touch the floor to drag out the agony and "let them contemplate their fate".

    The past six years have robbed me of something I didn't even realize I'd had, but now I know I had it. And I don't have it anymore.
