Friday, May 6, 2022

Ever Greater Concentrations Of Misogyny And Fascism.

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because two fingers of Scotch.

I have to say, even though I know there's no offramp, and that Muir is just going to become more and more of a right wing loon, it's kind of startling to see how increasingly blatant he gets in his misogyny and his fascism.


  1. It really is. With this one it's like he's not even trying to dress it up in a fictional character's dialogue anymore. He's just directly ranting with no filter at all.

    The women in the peanut gallery continue to confound me.

  2. I love that little bit of rationalization in the dialogue..."As long as they're an isolated individual I can control, I love women! It's when they get together in a group...start gaining real political power...start making demands on society or (gasp) running things...then they piss me off!"
