Thursday, May 5, 2022

Those Hysterical Trollops, Not Listening To Men!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because how does it feel to be an All-American?

...Wow. That is a shotgun blast of misogyny right there. 


  1. Also, and again, where are these imaginary defense ministers "screaming" for nuclear war with Russia? Nobody, but nobody, wants nuclear war. All the foreign policy experts are discussing how best to avoid that possibility. Is Muir watching any real news or just eating magic mushrooms and then writing down what he saw afterwards?

  2. I call them Muir's "panel-one pronouncements"---his longstanding pattern of having a character recite a litany of imaginary events in the setup panel. There was a time when I would assume these rants had at least some basis in real things that had actually happened, but I was quite naive to assume this. 99 percent of them are absolute nonsense. It's difficult to accept that Muir REALLY believes the crazy things he writes, but there's no evidence that he doesn't.

  3. "Not all women are nuts. Many of us are very practical, but this bunch of overgrown babies need to have a good spanking and be sent to their rooms."

    Lord of lords. What can you even say?

  4. Also, are these people literally insane??
    They link to an announcement by Merrick Garland about a new environmental regulatory department of the DOJ, and this is what they take away from it.

    "Republican’s water use will be strictly monitored ~ 2d violation is felony with automatic 5 years hard labor (practicing to work at ‘Bee’ when I grow up)"

    "What the f’n f?
    They want us dead and are attacking in every way from every angle.
    When will we accept their declaration of war and join it?"

    They just....completely made that up!!! Literally! And they seem to have convinced themselves they actually did hear it! What the effing hell??

    1. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the press release didn't say Republicans would have their water usage monitored...that's because that would be INSANE. And these people are INSANE.
