Monday, August 22, 2022

The Important Part Is That Democrats Ba'!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the good ship Ragamuffin.


It's kind of fascinating how Muir seems to realize that he's contradicting himself about halfway through, but just plows ahead.


  1. Yep, he admits that what Sam is doing is basically like the segregationists of old, but hey, that's fine. Also, I don't think what she did is just "bad precedent"...I'm guessing it's against local laws. Not that people who are setting up their own little fascist fiefdom would care anything about the law.

    1. Oh, it's a multi-level violation of both the State Constitution of Texas, and the US Constitution. The county would be facing lawsuits up the wazoo, and it would lose all of them, and have to pay. Sam is breaking so many laws in how she runs the county it's actually kind of breathtaking.
