Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Ahh, The Terrifying Howler Monkey Woman Face Returns.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because black walnut bitters.


You know, this strip's sexism and bad blocking speak for themselves, so I'm going to mention that I'm starting to suspect we're being set up for another 'It was all a dream' caused by Muir writing himself into a corner, as has happened before.

But we'll see. Reality in this strip is such a strangely fluid thing, after all.


  1. And that flag is going to haunt my nightmares. I'm sorry, but who thought that was sexy again...?

  2. It's a double header. We not only get howler monkey woman face, but also dislocated-jaw lumpy man face on the same day.

    1. Ugh, you're right. Was so overcome by terror at the howler monkey face, didn't notice the guys looked pretty deformed themselves.

    2. Damon's profile looks normal, but this particular face template that Muir uses for Zed sometimes (it's not the first time it's appeared) looks as though Zed has been clocked in the face so hard his jaw has dislocated.
