It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Home of the 12th Man.
He really thinks this shows what proud patriots his cast are.
A day by day look at Chris Muir's Day By Day, punctuated by efforts to make the hurting stop.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Home of the 12th Man.
He really thinks this shows what proud patriots his cast are.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Hellzapoppin.
It says something this is one of several times Muir's proposed nuking DC.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the wretch's destiny.
When power is given to idiots who don't understand how things work, but think they do.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because premier league.
So is the immediate future. Muir carrying water for Gaetz.
Fuck, I think he might be as bored as I am.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because A Tapestry of Carols.
...You really do wonder what it's going to be like when the Second Trump Presidency actually starts.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because flag.
There's always a bleak amusement to how Muir will almost inevitably follow up declarations of how righteous he is with something like this.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because The Horror of Chilton Castle.
I suspect this is the only time in his life that Matt Gaetz has been compared to Christ. Instead of just having someone invoke his name in horror as a result of Gaetz's actions.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Christmas in July.
When you have to constantly make up lunatic conspiracies to 'whatabout' so you can avoid admitting to yourself that you're the bad guys.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because The Duellists.
I fully expect Muir to get even more repugnant in the future. God help us all.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because John Falstof.
Muir hates pedophiles.
Except when they're his pedophiles. Who are not pedophiles, because he says they aren't.
With that said, I do wonder how he's going to take Gaetz falling on his sword.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Universal Soldier.
And once again, Muir reminds us that he doesn't see complaining how white guys don't get credit for doing everything as whining and that all the criticisms he makes about the Left are really only true about himself. Because he like all fascists, he imagines a zero sum world where people can only be increased if others are diminished, and so he sets for a natural order where his sort are everything.
And in so doing diminishes himself to nothing.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Jaqueline of Bavaria.
I know I keep harping on it, but the aimlessness of these last few strips really jumps out at you. Muir is rehashing the same old complaints, completely blind to how he is describing himself, the same way he's done a thousand times before. But there's no direction at the moment. He'll never admit it, but even Trump doesn't give him that sense of purpose that a Democratic White House does. With that, his cast are (he imagines) a plucky bunch of heroes facing the incompetent forces of evil. Without it, they become cheerleaders for something that never quite works out, no matter how often they insist that they're seeing the rebirth of American glory. And so we get this long series of strips that seem to have no particular point, as he tries to feel his way onto the next storyline.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Umbrellas of Cherbourg.
There's always something depressing about Muir's lame references to much better works, especially when they're coupled with his usual projection.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because two minutes left in regulation.
And so this listless blend of ranting and misogyny delivered by Muir''s female sock puppets ends the only way it could. With more patented bad Muir nudity.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because eaten by a grue.
As we go through this listless series of strips whose only point seems to be a vague reactionary misogyny, it's hard not to get the feeling that underneath it all, Muir's a little baffled. He's doubtless telling himself he's happy, but the fact remains he was prepared for an epic struggle against the Evil Council of Evil, and their eternal election stealing, and instead... Trump just sorta won. No civil war, no deep state shenanigans to strike against. Just a democratic transfer of power. And personally I suspect that what's making him even more uneasy is that on some level, he remembers the last time he got this, it was a shitshow. Oh, he persuaded himself--still persuades himself--that it was unending triumph, but there were times when even he showed strain from doing that.
And so we find him spinning his wheels. He had no plans for this, and there's some part of him that's waiting for the other shoe to drop, which makes it hard to come up with plans. And even worse, he has to put mental effort into telling himself that he's fine, he's great, he's not waiting for that other shoe to drop, no, no.
He'll find something to babble about soon, obviously. Will he be able to keep it up? No idea.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Comanche.
The irony of Muir delivering this vision of a misogynistic natural order is that he does it essentially as a man trying to pretend to be a woman.
Badly. Very badly. As I've noted, Sam isn't a real girl at all.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Motorcade of Generosity.
The one comfort in all this is that massive overreach is inevitable. The downside is it looks like the sort of overreach where people die.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Jackie Paper came no more.
You know, at this point the fascinating thing about Skye's engulfment in the hivemind is that she's transformed into an 'everybody clapped' story at this point.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I Promessi Sposi.
Muir's been singing the praises of loons on the internet telling him what he wants to hear since the earliest days of the strip. It's just moving from the annoying to the grotesque.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Spanish Bitters.
I'm wondering what side Muir's taking in the inevitable Musk/Trump divorce.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because milk and scissors.
Rereading the older strips makes it clear how much Muir's imagined President Trump owes to his earlier imagined President Dubya. Both are ever-victorious men of the people that as Muir sees it, truly embody the popular will. What separates them is Trump's well, extra-awfulness, but also the increased paranoia of Muir. Which in this case has him spouting close to Sovereign Citizen gibberish in the middle of a victory lap.
Also, you really wonder if we're ever going to hear about that secession, now that, from Muir's point of view, the "good guys" are back in power.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because to the House.
You know the fact of how extraneous Damon and Jan feel to the strip these days tends to be balanced out by how awful they are. And not even an interesting awful like Zed, Sam and the hellspawn. Just a smug, dull awful most of the time.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because inside, outside, leave me alone.
Muir, who's spent the last four years inventing a nonsense world where every paranoid fantasy of his true and yet, simultaneously, somehow he and his always win, talks about irrational his opponents are, through the mouthpiece of the former straw leftist character who he had switch sides because he started to want to fuck her.
Projection. Total. As. Always.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because where is the nose of the ball when the knee touches.
As Muir has his cast gloating in typical redneck asshat fashion, I do have to wonder how that whole secession thing is going to be squared away.
Then again, Muir seems to be trying to memory-hole it.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the llama.
As of this writing--though I fully expect this to change--there are two versions of this strip up, one for if Kamala had won, another fitfully celebrating Trump's triumph. They're both quite close to one another, and rather barebones. While some of that is doubtless the result of, well, doing two strips, another is the simple fact that Muir is, on a fundamental level that he can't full acknowledge, kind of stumped here. The Dems are the Evil Conspiracy of Evil, always cheating, but somehow, it doesn't seem to have worked. Of course, Muir's mind is set to ignore this obvious contradiction--the foe is always strong, yet weak, after all. But it still rankles him, because he once again has lost any idea of what winning actually is.
We've seen all this before. Muir will pretend to be cheerful for a while, then start grumbling about internal enemies. He'll celebrate some grotesque imagined triumphs. But even at his high points, there will be this gnawing unease, and in a year, maybe two, he'll have once again almost fully retreated from reality.
I think his idol's quite like this himself. Trump will crow about winning, he'll crow about squashing charges. But then those magical victories that will fix everything won't come, and he'll start remembering how much he hates this job, so he'll retreat to his imaginary world, where people always cry and tell him how wonderful he is, all as reality keeps hitting.
It'd be a deserving fate, if so many people weren't going to suffer because of it.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Subways of Your Mind.
You know, Muir has been a guy yelling about things he reads on the internet for years now. It's just that he used to filter stuff like this out.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the gentleman with thistledown hair.
If Trump's politics have any base it's the idea that anything that offends the Left has to be good, by virtue of offending the Left.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because he will return the kick.
So not only is he spouting his usual gobbledygook about how EBT is just like slavery, he's saying that fascists not always winning elections, or even worse paying the price for being fascists is JUST like Jim Crow, man!
What a putz.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Muddy Bites.
Bezos' "brilliant" actions have cost his paper a shitton of subscribers, but Muir never sees fuckups of this sort as fuckups.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because that penalty will be enforced. Half the distance to the goal line.
Ahh, there's Muir's religious faith, which has been present since the early years. It demands nothing of him, lets him tell himself that his opponents are wicked and false because they oppose him, and sanctifies all his bigotry and hatred. The American equivalent of a 'Gott Mit Uns' belt buckle.