Saturday, November 16, 2024

Hivemind Wimmen Talkin' Wimmen Stuff.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because eaten by a grue.

As we go through this listless series of strips whose only point seems to be a vague reactionary misogyny, it's hard not to get the feeling that underneath it all, Muir's a little baffled. He's doubtless telling himself he's happy, but the fact remains he was prepared for an epic struggle against the Evil Council of Evil, and their eternal election stealing, and instead... Trump just sorta won. No civil war, no deep state shenanigans to strike against. Just a democratic transfer of power. And personally I suspect that what's making him even more uneasy is that on some level, he remembers the last time he got this, it was a shitshow. Oh, he persuaded himself--still persuades himself--that it was unending triumph, but there were times when even he showed strain from doing that.

And so we find him spinning his wheels. He had no plans for this, and there's some part of him that's waiting for the other shoe to drop, which makes it hard to come up with plans. And even worse, he has to put mental effort into telling himself that he's fine, he's great, he's not waiting for that other shoe to drop, no, no. 

He'll find something to babble about soon, obviously. Will he be able to keep it up? No idea.

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