Tuesday, June 11, 2019

"We Are Facing Horrible Persecution!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because everybody look at your hands!

Of course, Muir never studies what these people actually say and do, because that's just a plot, and you can only figure out what they really mean by reading crazy rantings on the interwebs.

1 comment:

  1. It's difficult to believe this is written by an adult.
    I'm not being glib. This is reasoning on the level of a precocious second-grader: "They disagree with us because they hate us!"
    If there was any remaining shred of doubt that Muir lives entirely inside a bubble made of reinforced concrete, this obliterates it. He really DOESN'T consume any media not produced, printed or published outside of Crazytown.

    I don't think it's debatable at this point that years of this have taken a measurable toll on his mental health.
    I've already said he's regressing in age. That's part of the overall picture here.

    Ironically, this kind of juvenilia is almost exactly what is dished out by the element I consider in some ways to be Muir's opposite: the likes of Sean Hannity. Opposite because Hannity is so gobsmackingly stupid that I genuinely think it's possible that he tricks himself into believing whatever BS he happens to be mouthing at the moment. His mind is elementary enough for that to be possible.

    A smart person like Muir, on the other hand, I think comes to the same conclusions from a different direction: not because he is stupid, but because he is unbalanced. More and more unbalanced by the year.
