Monday, June 10, 2019

"We Must Remain Ever Vigilant Against The Sinister Criminal Horde!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because take my hand.

I'm waiting for another explanation of how liberals are Nazis soon.  That is how little awareness Muir has.

1 comment:

  1. I should have known better by now, but I looked up that statistic. Of COURSE it didn't come up. I didn't spent more than a couple of minutes looking, but if that were remotely accurate by any sort of reasonable measure, it would have come up right away. I suppose some deeper digging would have yielded whatever real-life data that ended up being distorted into what Zed breezily mentions as fact, but what's the bloody point.

    Come on, Muir. Does that really SOUND right to you. Does that figure REALLY sound plausible? Are you thinking about this at all?
    Why did I bother checking? Why? I don't even know.
