Thursday, May 7, 2020

"We're Right Because We Say We're Right, Infinity!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because John Cheever.

It says something that Muir's lost what little ability he ever had to create a credible strawman--at this point, he's down to having his fonts of conservative rectitude simply declare victory when they've managed to make worse arguments than their opponents.


  1. I continue to be astonished that the Muir of 2020 could ever have been the Muir of 2003, who showed clear signs of at least occasionally LISTENING and PROCESSING what was being said by others. The Muir of 2020 is the result of years of severe insularity and intellectual self-cannibalizing, culminating in what I can only describe as a kind of amnesia.

    Interesting that Zed has gotten a haircut to go with his new stock poses. Somebody must have told Muir that the longer locks made him look like a girl. He'd hate that.

    1. Oh, yeah, though I always caution not to overplay things--he was never great at producing strawmen, but at least way back when they weren't completely without verisimilitude. These days, it's pod people against the psychopaths.
