Thursday, August 6, 2020

Truly, They Are The Master Race.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because The Serpent's Egg (1977).

The fascinating thing here is the projection--Muir is blatantly a coward living in a bubble that lets him live in his fantasy that he is a great tough warrior who would naturally dominate others. 

And so he mocks the guts of black men who, whatever their unpleasant politics, marched at freaking Stone Mountain in Georgia.

Yeah, gazelles. Right.


  1. I'm astonished every time I remember that Muir went to Iraq for several weeks in 2007. It seems so unlike what he's become. (And how on earth did that even come about, anyway? Seriously. I've never understood that.)

    1. It was five days, during which time I'm reasonably certain he was never in any particular danger. As for how it happened--DbD was being published in newspapers at this time, so he was an embedded "journalist".
